

Let there be Light Genesis 1:3

Foundations in Knowledge.

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Elementary school: K-4 thru Grade 5

K-4 and Kindergarten students learn how to start a computer, log in, enter a password. The students are taught how to 'navigate' using keys and a mouse. This is usually necessary since most, if not all, come to school with extensive iPad experience. Mapping the mouse movement to the screen actions is the primary early objective. Games that require the keyboard and entering student interactions are used. Grades 2 and 3 have touch typing exercises to aid their ability to effectively use the keyboard and various applications. In conjunction with their home room teachers we also have them type their weekly spelling words into Microsoft WORD and Excel. This exposes them to important applications as well as improving trheir scores in spelling tests. Grades 4 and 5 Are given in depth instruction in WORD, PowerPoint, and Excel. Projects with these tools including class presentations on their work are done in cooperation with their home room teachers.

Middle School

Middle school students are given instructions in programming. Students are provided with instructions on basic tools, code logic and development processes. The Scratch visual progamming language is used by these students to create programs demonstrating logic, loops, functions, creation and use of variables. Elective students are given instruction in making web pages. This includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students are first assigned a software project built around basic HTML pages. Then additional assignments include adding CSS to add layout and visual properties to a page. JavaScript is then used to provide interaction and data management to a web page. If the schedule permits, the last part of the session is used to introduce the Python programming language.

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